I want to thank everyone who came here today.
I think, with an exception, all of you are prescribers to some extent, so I wanted to focus on the fact that prescribers are one piece of the problem, issue, solution, or whatever you want to call it.
I think what we heard from you, and what I think some of us know, is that the first step is to provide the appropriate drug for pain, regardless of what the pain is, whether it is palliative care, cancer, post-operative pain, pain because of a broken bone, or something like that. I think that's the first thing. I know there are guidelines for doing this, but how do you track appropriate prescribing?
The second one of course is surveillance, which is the physicians surveying the prescriber. Who surveys the prescriber? How does that surveillance occur without making the person being surveyed feel like they are threatened? How do you do that surveillance? And are we talking about tools then so that you can look at those prescribing practices?
This is the first piece of it. I know that when addictionologists first started addictionology, when it first became a specialty, addictionologists were saying that before you give patient A a particular drug you should do a history and a family history to see whether that patient has a propensity or if there is some sort of history within their family of people who are addicted to alcohol or inappropriately use all kinds of substances, including smoking. That might trigger you to decide on what particular medication to give to that person that has the least ability to cause addiction. Most of these drugs are addictive drugs so I know that that's a difficult problem.
The second one is, and I know I've repeated this before and I don't know how many of you know, in British Columbia about 20 to 25 years ago they started something called a triplicate prescription. The triplicate prescription meant that every time you prescribed an opioid, a barbiturate, or a narcotic of any kind, you had to use that prescription pad. That prescription pad had three pieces, one kept by the doctor, one sent to the college of pharmacists, and one sent to the college of physicians and surgeons in the province. That way they were able to keep track of what doctor was prescribing what drug, how often, and whether it was an appropriate prescribing practice or not. It was also able to pick up double doctoring in that province, so doctors and pharmacists were sent a list every week of people to look out for, including their aliases, who came and asked for drugs.
If we had that across the country and one was able to therefore track—not only within the province but outside of the province for a patient who from comes from another province—would that be an effective way of monitoring appropriate prescribing practices, tracking, and surveillance? I think that might be an important piece. I'm sure Dr. Meuser knows that there's going to be a patient who walks into your office and says, look at me, man, I've had this accident, I've got this God-awful pain that's been going on for 12 years, and I can't move my back. My doctor in Saskatchewan has been given this to me for a long time. Unless you call the doctor in Saskatchewan, and sometimes you can't get a hold of the doctor at the time, or you refuse the drug to the patient, there is no way of knowing whether this person is bona fide or not. I wanted to ask those questions, because I want to get to the nitty-gritty of the tools that are necessary to appropriately prescribe in the first place, and to track and survey.
I'm open to whoever wants to start.
Go ahead, Chris.