Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Good afternoon, honourable members, ladies and gentlemen.
It is a great pleasure for the National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities to appear today before your committee.
Our association understands that the committee has recently begun a study on the government's role in addressing prescription drug abuse, and wishes to dedicate today's meeting to best practices and federal barriers regarding practice and training of health care professionals.
We thank you for the opportunity to come to present our view on this important topic.
Let me first explain who we are. NAPRA is the National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities. It is a not-for-profit organization that represents all provincial and territorial pharmacy regulatory authorities whose mandate is the protection of the public. Our membership also includes the Canadian Forces' pharmacy services.
Our members play a key role to ensure that optimal regulatory practices are in place for a safe practice environment for the benefit of all Canadians. Over 36,000 pharmacists are licensed by our members to practise pharmacy across the country, and operate within specific regulatory practices and requirements. Our members have also started to license another group, pharmacy technicians, in certain jurisdictions in Canada, as this group is now becoming regulated.
In my presentation today I will be sharing information on four key areas with the committee: a general perspective of prescription drug abuse; our association's contribution so far to the matter; the role of health care practitioners and their regulatory authorities; and to conclude, the most urgent area for improvement by the federal government from a regulatory lens.
First of all, I would like to share our perspective on prescription drug abuse. When we refer to prescription drug abuse in our presentation we have in mind the drugs that, generally speaking, have abuse liability potential such as analgesics, stimulants, tranquilizers, and hypnotics.
Prescription drugs approved by Health Canada have been reviewed for their safety, efficacy, and quality and are made available to health care practitioners to help patients cope with their medical conditions and associated symptoms. They have a place in the therapeutic drug arsenal. However, these drugs have abuse liability potential and when taken or used inappropriately can cause problems.
The issue of prescription drug abuse is not new, but it seems to have been forgotten or underestimated during the development of what is currently the national anti-drug strategy, led by the Department of Justice. That needs to change. I am confident that the committee has already heard details from previous witnesses on the overall situation in Canada and worldwide regarding this matter. Canada is not unique in dealing with this issue. It is a topic of interest to the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
I'm sure each of us has seen at least once the harm experienced by a person as a result of prescription drug abuse. This is a sad situation for the person and his or her family, which could have been avoided.
This leads to the second point in my presentation regarding our association's contribution on the matter to date. Over the past few years NAPRA has participated in a series of meetings and workshops held by the Department of Public Safety and the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse. We understood that all of this work was to serve as a foundation for the launch of the development of a renewed anti-drug strategy for Canada. We accepted being a part of the National Advisory Council on Prescription Drug Misuse. This undertaking was important to NAPRA and its members, in order to examine the problem a bit more closely and to elaborate a strategy to improve the situation in Canada.
We are pleased to have contributed to this work that led to the release of the report entitled First Do No Harm: Responding to Canada's Prescription Drug Crisis, which contained several recommendations, as you know. The report established a vision and outlined a road map for action.
NAPRA, through its president, continues its work with the National Advisory Council on Prescription Drug Misuse.
This leads naturally to the third key area of my presentation, which is the role of health care practitioners and the regulatory authorities in prescription drug abuse. Health care practitioners are regulated professionals who abide by a code of ethics and follow standards of practice developed by their regulatory authorities, and that is to ensure consistency across Canada in the practice of public protection.
Pharmacists are no different. They comply with the standard of practice that involves providing drug therapy management services. They are the medication management experts and their goal is to ensure optimal drug therapy for patients. They work collaboratively with the patient and other health care providers in defining the health-related needs and drug therapy problems to be resolved. They prepare care plans. They undertake implementation, monitoring, and follow-up. Pharmacies are able to identify issues, provide education or other information, and refer patients to other care providers when appropriate.
Drugs that have abuse liability potential are no different from the other drugs. When it comes to the job or work of the pharmacist, we look for the most appropriate drug therapy for the medical condition symptoms the patient is being treated for, and we monitor the patient's use of drug therapy to identify any issues such as side effects or misuse.
When needed, regulatory authorities take action to correct any problems that may come with the practice of their members. They also provide a series of guidelines and standards to support best practices in the every day work of pharmacists. They collaborate with other stakeholders on initiatives that aim to improve patient safety and public protection. Although regulatory authorities and pharmacists do their best to curtail prescription drug abuse by many interventions and means, they lack tools and authority when it pertains to drugs that have abuse liability potential. These drugs are, for the most part, found in Canada in the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, which is federal legislation.
This brings me to the last area of my presentation, which will focus on the most urgent area for action by the federal government.
The Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, CDSA, came into effect in the late nineties. This piece of legislation introduced a series of new provisions that were overdue for Canada at that time. However, since the legislation was enacted, the regulations under the statute have not been improved. As the statute create total prohibition, the regulations are necessary to define the type of activities and control for prescription drugs that have drug abuse liability potential.
The health care environment and the role of health care practitioners have changed significantly since the late sixties, but the regulatory framework for narcotic and controlled drugs, which dictates how these drugs are imported, distributed, sold, prescribed, dispensed, and destroyed, has not changed.
This situation is creating problems for stakeholders, such as health care practitioners, regulatory authorities, and law enforcement, as the outdated framework is not responsive to the current needs and environment. In addition, the ongoing monitoring of these activities for compliance is quasi nonexistent.
Our association is supportive of interventions that will focus, among other things, on education, prevention, treatment, monitoring, surveillance, enforcement, and research. However, above all, we believe that the federal government needs to take leadership, in partnership with affected stakeholders, in redesigning the regulatory framework in Canada so that it can be updated and adapted to the current environment. For instance, current regulations speak about filing paper copies of prescriptions, where it is now possible to maintain proper accountabilities and controls through electronic means while maintaining public protection. Regulatory authorities have been struggling with situations where actions were required to stop or prevent a problem of drug abuse, but were limited in their actions due to the lack of authority pertaining to federal regulation. One aspect of this is the lack of information exchange, authorities, and systems between federal authorities and provincial and territorial regulatory authorities.
In redesigning the regulatory framework, we believe that the government needs to develop the most adequate framework for current and future environments, one that provides the best accountability framework for the management of this category of drug, and eliminates barriers preventing health care practitioners, including pharmacists, from practising to their full scope of practice.
We believe that the government must clarify its intentions regarding the scope of federal involvement with this category of drug. Any regulatory framework requires not only monitoring, in addition to a compliance and enforcement plan, but also must have available the educational resources for carrying out both plans. They also need to ensure that exchange of information is possible between regulators for the purpose of curtailing prescription drug abuse. They need to develop a means of monitoring, nationally, drug prescriptions that could lead to abuse, and implement new technologies or other e-health initiatives across the country.
A good example is the effort being made by the United States with the establishment of a prescription monitoring program that connects state-level programs, entitled InterConnect.
It should also be mentioned that it is necessary for the government to have a role in post-market surveillance. Drug abuse, drug overdose, and inappropriate prescribing are all examples of situations that require monitoring by Health Canada to a much greater and significant extent to what has been done over the past several years.
The government also needs to be quicker in scheduling drugs under the CDSA. By not doing so, the government leaves a series of drugs not scheduled, sometimes for a long period of time. For a drug not scheduled, it often means a lot of confusion among stakeholders and health care professionals regarding the control that applies to the drugs in question. For example, many provincial prescription monitoring programs, which we call triplicate programs, will not add a drug to the list of monitored drugs until Health Canada lists that drug—