Thank you. To begin, I have a slight correction to make on the credentialing.
Dr. David Segal and I were on the larger federal body for the CCSA that produced the First Do No Harm document, which I'm sure you've seen. But that was a large national body and the two of us were just members of the committee. I'm now co-chairing with Dr. Norman Buckley from McMaster a working group subcommittee to develop competencies, guidelines, and educational material for health professionals, patients, students, and the general public with respect to the whole issue of substance abuse.
As an outcome of the meeting that was just described at the RCDSO, I'm chairing a committee there looking at producing guidelines for dental surgeons in Ontario on chronic and acute pain, concentrating primarily on establishing guidelines for the prescription of drugs in general and, more specifically, opioids. In turn, that committee is going to make recommendations on additional educational programs for dentists in practice to make sure they're up to date on the whole issue of prescribing, and in particular prescribing opioids. The program at the university has been described to you. I was actually the one who described it when we met with HPRAC.
I'd certainly be glad to answer any questions. I will say that dentists across Canada are very well educated on the issue. In fact, as the general public has become more and more aware of the potential for substance abuse and the problems with that, particularly with prescription drugs, the educational programs are being augmented to ensure that our students and graduates are also aware of the issues and how to deal with them.