First of all, the product is approved by Health Canada. Health Canada has not determined that it's an unsafe product that should be banned. Our manufacturers produce the product according to all of the Health Canada guidelines.
The abuse of OxyContin did occur. The rapid rise in abuse occurred during what I would call the “exclusivity period”, when Purdue was the only company selling the product. Purdue is now not marketing that product.
As I mentioned earlier, the generics do not market or promote their product to doctors. If a doctor has a patient stabilized on OxyContin and wants to continue to use that, then the generic is there and available at the much lower price, typically, at which generics are sold. It is dispensed and supplied throughout the supply chain in a very safe, effective way.
That is the general answer.
Apotex is one of the companies. I'll let Dr. D'Cunha speak to that as well.