Currently, in regard to drug investigations regarding prescription drug abuse, generally the TPP program, the triplicate prescription program, will usually come on our radar once it's been identified by the College of Physicians and Surgeons.
It all depends on the type of offence that's being conducted. It could be doctor shopping, double doctoring, triplicate pads being stolen from prescribers, or break and enter into residences looking for different types of drugs. It all depends on the type of investigation.
Really, for law enforcement in particular, in regard to coordinating efforts with the College of Physicians and Surgeons and the pharmacists, we're looking at creating a new database in order to share this information. Right now everybody has their own little silos of information, and it's unfortunate that we can't share that information due to privacy laws. If that information were available, we could identify individuals a lot sooner, provide that intervention, and maybe have our law enforcement component act a little bit quicker than before the drugs hit the street. Right now, a lot of times the drugs are already on the street by the time we get to them.