As the chair of the Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition, we strongly supported the original bill, S-228, to restrict the marketing of unhealthy foods and beverages to children and youth under the age of 17. That's consistent with the World Health Organization's recommendations in the recognition of adolescent vulnerability. I also think it's reasonable for a government to consolidate around protection under the age of 13 for now, spend the next few years looking into how to provide meaningful protection to youth while at the same time not overstepping the ability to market unhealthy food and beverages to adults. It is not that I think that's a good thing to do, but on the other hand you draw the line somewhere; you let people take care of themselves. That's number one.
Number two is I believe in supports. I believe it's an important thing to augment good health. Physical activity is good in itself, irrespective of what it does with weight. I think it's a shame that sporting organizations are forced to make a deal with the devil. That's overstating things, but you don't want to eat or drink that stuff. You don't want kids eating and drinking that stuff. You just need the money to pursue your Olympic dream. I think there have to be other ways to help you in this.