Our devastation isn't coming from the lack of advertising to kids. We're in fact supportive of restrictions of high-end foods to children. What we're worried about is the way the legislation is being dovetailed with what's come out of Health Canada in their document: it would actually affect adult advertising.
Let me give you an example of that. I've talked about the ban thresholds. One of the ban thresholds is from 3 p.m. until 9 p.m. The Keg—I don't think anyone here would think they're advertising to children, and that's why I choose to use that as an example—will have a steak with a fully baked potato with sour cream, etc. This clearly is going to be high in saturated fats, quite likely, and maybe even in sodium. At night, at 8 or 8:30 p.m., airing that would not be allowed. They will see a beer ad, but they will not see that food ad at the current trajectory of the two pieces of work that are dovetailing. As for our concern, the devastation doesn't come from the lack of advertising to children: it comes from the ability to target adults.