There's another question I have. Forgive me for continuing to ask about these things, but when I talk about Pandora's box, I see these. I see, for example, the Fergie Jenkins baseball league. Seeing as how Mr. Masse is here, we can use an example close to his area. Let's say that Amherstburg or Tilbury has a Fergie Jenkins team that's sponsored by some type of chocolate milk maker—Parmalat or whatever—and it's the Parmalat chocolate milk team. That would be legal under this law.
If you had the Fergie Jenkins baseball championship on TSN and Parmalat chocolate milk was the advertiser on TV—obviously with Little League kids who started as little kids playing baseball—that would not be allowed under my interpretation of this. You couldn't have a chocolate milk commercial on a Little League game if it's deemed that it's targeted to kids under 13, yet Parmalat chocolate milk could sponsor the jerseys of all the teams that are playing in the Little League tournament. That's my interpretation of this bill. Am I wrong or right?