We'll call the meeting to order.
Senator Greene, if you would like to sit at the table, we'd like to have you.
Welcome to meeting 102 of the Standing Committee on Health, pursuant to the order of reference of Wednesday, February 14, 2018, we are studying Bill S-228, an act to amend the Food and Drugs Act, prohibiting food and beverage marketing directed at children.
For witnesses to help us through the clause-by-clause, we have, from the Department of Health, David K. Lee, Chief Regulatory Officer; Karen McIntyre, Director General, Food Directorate, Health Products and Food Branch; and Hasan Hutchinson, Director General, Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Health Products and Food Branch.
We're going to go right to clause-by-clause.
First of all, we're going to skip clause 1 for the time being. That's the title clause, but we'll return to that and the preamble.
(On clause 2)
We'll go right to clause 2, where we have amendment Liberal-1.
Dr. Eyolfson.