Okay, so again, the committee could make a very clear recommendation that we believe all alcoholic beverages should contain that information. Then at least some would know exactly how much sugar and what the caloric intake is in that beverage, which is important regardless.
The third area of questioning I have is around advertising. It has come up a few times. I heard you say you're doing consultation with the industry, and a few of my colleagues have raised it. Here at the committee, under the cannabis legislation, we dealt specifically with advertising directed at minors. Under tobacco and plain packaging, we dealt specifically with advertising directed at minors. As well, under the vaping act that we looked at, we dealt with advertising directed at minors. In the food thing we're just working with, the whole issue is around how to restrict products that are high in sugar and the advertising to youth. Why is that not federal jurisdiction in alcohol? Why do we not have the capacity to regulate that?