I'd make two points. One, as I pointed out, is that mandatory referral of potential donors is going well in Ontario. These areas that we talked about, which are so important—and you pointed them out—do not happen across the country. Two, having donation professionals involved in the discussions and the questioning is also critical. The challenge, of course, is that no provincial organization, no matter how well meaning or well funded, is going to be able to take the lead to do this across all the other provinces, so we need some national organization that is empowered and required and funded to do this.
With regard to the national database, the Canadian Transplant Registry that CBS has built is in place; the computer system exists. The challenge is how we get the information into it. In Canada, all the reporting and transplant and donation in our history has been voluntary, and because of that, it's full of defects; it's not reliable. We have to get beyond that, and we need to be thinking about how we are going to fund the activity of getting the information into the database so the professionals, the researchers Lori's talking about, have something to work with.
I think those two things as a start would be very important and could have a real impact.