Those are some of the factors. I think part of it is also the capacity to bring pharmaceutical companies under control. They have huge profits. They are going to our doctors and talking to them about what drugs they should be carrying. They are providing conferences to doctors.
We need the kind of independent information to doctors that is provided in some of these fully public drug plans, as in Australia and the U.K., where information is independently given to doctors about what drugs they should be prescribing.
We have had some concerns here today. I will tell you one of my concerns. If we want to talk about statins, there are 38 million prescriptions a year for statins in Canada. That is more than one for every man, woman, and child in the country. It is out of control.
Statins are very controversial for people who have not had a heart event. We really have no way of controlling this. It is a situation of doctors prescribing statins after getting their information from pharmaceutical companies. There are a lot of savings to be made there, too.