We are seeing data suggesting that for people who are good candidates for insulin pumps the pumps do prevent long-term complications, thereby saving costs to the health care system. Insulin pump technology is still relatively new and data are emerging as more and more people are coming to wear them. As we come to better understand the longer-term experience of living with a pump, we will know more, but it certainly stands to reason that there are long-term complications to be avoided.
The other really important thing I should say is that, as Mr. Prowten and Mr. Tohill mentioned earlier, the risk of diabetic ketoacidosis, DKA, which is really high blood sugar, a crisis the body gets into that's potentially fatal, is particularly high for people with type 1 diabetes. These people are also particularly at risk of severe hypoglycemia, which can put them into seizures and comas.
Insulin pumps can be critical in helping to avoid conditions that cause hospitalizations and expensive emergency interventions in the short term.