I can't talk about every rare disease, but the idea that we're going to leave them alone to die, I think, is very much what the pharmaceutical companies are telling you.
For example, in the case of Soliris—and I can very much understand that in other situations that's not the case—the difference in life expectancy is about a year, with or without Soliris.
We have to be very clear here that the pharmaceutical companies are often the most intelligent people in the room. They know how to play the system. They know how to tell things to politicians and decision-makers to make them feel they're doing the right thing. They are very creative people, but we have to remember at the end of the day that their sole aim is to maximize profit. If it's not going to maximize profit, then we, as shareholders in publicly traded corporations, could sue them. That is their objective, and therefore we need to have decision-makers who recognize that and who are able to say we need to make a decision in the best interest of the Canadian population.