Thank you very much.
I think that one of the key things that is required in Canada at the moment is to provide opportunities for Canadians to get equal access to emerging new technologies such as genomics, as Marc LePage described is going on in the United States and the U.K. In order to do that, there are many steps. One of the things that Aled has been promoting, open access, is really about sharing data as well, so that we can have access to different kinds of clinical treatment, and it doesn't matter where it is.
Globally, we need to be able to have access to a broad range of data and to share that. For patients to benefit in Canada, we need to have access to data of patients around the world. We have been part of a large initiative called the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health. It's also based on open access and sharing of data,
You need to do it at the research level as well as at the level of access to the actual clinicians.