This is, effectively, the experience that we've had with the drugs for neglected diseases initiative. DNDi is, effectively, a virtual not-for-profit pharmaceutical company. It coordinates. It runs randomized controlled trials under very difficult field circumstances. If you think it's difficult to do an RCT, a randomized controlled trial, in a well-functioning Canadian hospital, try doing it in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It's complicated.
The difference there is that the DNDi model is transparent. We know what it costs. I have the figures in front of me. I've told you what they are. It's transparent. It relies on a partnership model that brings people together within a framework that says we are going to do this, and this is the way we're going to do it; and the end product is going to be accessible and affordable. It has brought the costs down through collaboration. Second, frankly, it's a transparent number.
The $1-billion figure was mentioned previously, but I think it's important to note that there's no transparency in that estimate. Nobody is actively quantifying the public investment that goes into individual drugs that are developed or the private investment, so we're left with this kind of black box figure that, frankly, doesn't align with the estimates that we're getting from our partners.
There's certainly at least a cheaper way of doing it, but I think that there's also a need for more transparency in this entire process. That is one of the things that public funders could be demanding. In the situation that you described, where a molecule is discovered in a public lab, at the point that it moves out of that lab, simply attach safeguards to it, and make that a requirement. Require that there be public reporting on the public and private R and D that goes into this in the subsequent stages, and require that at the point of licensing, there be safeguards attached that say, we're going to negotiate for this specific product what a reasonable final price, pricing strategy, or registration strategy going to be.
You described an exact moment at which there is actually quite a bit of leverage that could be exercised through basic policy changes. These are not legislative changes; these are policies that could be implemented to change that dynamic at a critical moment.