I was just going to mention that as well, the fact that these companies are not motivated to conduct these clinical trials due to the small population for rare diseases.
I have a quick story about a young constituent who came to me. This was a few years ago, when I was an MLA. She was just coming off of a clinical trial on a drug that was a godsend to her. It took her out of her bed. She had rheumatoid arthritis that was very severe for a young 21-year-old. She went through this clinical trial. It was a miracle drug for her. It got her back to work. It got her contributing to the tax system as a taxpayer, and she was happy and productive. Well, the trial ended. No more drugs for her.
The reason she was in my office was to ask if these pharmaceutical companies could do that, could take away a drug once they'd done their testing. It had not gone through the formulary, or hadn't been brought to the government yet, but they were ready and had done their research. Then they cut the drug off.