Yes, we're lower than where we started in 1987 when we committed to strengthening patent protection for pharmaceuticals and established the PMPRB to protect consumers from excessively priced patented drugs. We were at about 5% at the time.
The industry did meet its 10% commitment in the mid-nineties, but it's been trending downward since 1999. It's been below 10% since 2003. Apparently, yes, it's at an historical low of about 4.4%.
I don't want to serve as a mouthpiece for the industry, but they would tell you that the way in which they conduct their R and D is no longer effectively or fully captured by our definition. I'll leave it to them to advocate on their behalf.
We feel that we are comparing apples to apples when we look at R and D to sales in Canada versus the ratio of R and D to sales in the PMPRB7 countries that I alluded to.