Thanks very much.
My first question is for Ms. Livitski.
You mentioned about the benefits package, I think, for your husband's job. That's a pretty tricky one, because from the business standpoint, it's part of the policy with the insurance company that it has to be confidential. You can't know which one is, but it does make it tricky when the person in the business is trying to figure out what package of benefits would be best suited for the company.
I wonder sometimes, when there are a lot of dollars invested in advocacy and lobbying by different agencies like Diabetes, etc., if they shouldn't spend more time talking to the CFIB and other businesses to convince them to enhance those specific things. A lot of times they come to government and say they need this, that and the other, and they have about a 50-year history of being disappointed. I also wonder, if you're fortunate enough to have benefits, if they shouldn't talk to the businesses to improve that.