These clandestine laboratories that are basically providing methamphetamines to the population are very dangerous explosives. I'm not an expert in the explosives category but there's also the matter of the effects on the person. When police are called to a situation in which someone may be on methamphetamines, obviously it's not a good situation.
We've all seen some of those interactions between police and people suffering from mental illness and whatnot. They are very front of mind for us. We're getting better at our training. We look at the four pillars of the strategy. Police officers over the years are getting much better. We have the tools to be able to intervene. We have the tools to be able to use the laws and to charge people, but I think we're really doing a better job in terms of the harm reduction and, when we get to those situations, we are more aware of being a gateway to services as an option instead of going through the courts and the justice system.
I think we've come a long way in doing that and the strategies. That's how we feed more into the global strategy.