I think we understand that there are reasons why people choose substances. Often if we look at people's childhoods, we can find the answers. When we look at the inner city, we often say there is a reason why people are here even if we don't know exactly what it is. There are specific vulnerabilities that lead people to our community and to the really intense drug use that's openly available there for people.
Nobody's happy living there. Nobody really likes being there, but the way out is not clear. To someone who is in tears and saying, “Look, I can't do this anymore”, I am not able to say, “Then come with me now, we have this beautiful and wonderful supportive treatment path out of here”, because it doesn't exist. I can give people clean needles all through the day. I can give you hydromorphone. I can give you injectable this, that or the other thing. I can give you free opioids. I can't give you a way out.