Thank you for your testimony.
I would like to turn to Dr. Susan Burgess.
You were quoted in November on CBC as follows:
We're still at a loss with how to deal with [methampthetamine] in our clinics. Every day, we have to certify someone who is just totally violent, out of control and very, very impaired from this drug. There is no dedicated treatment for methamphetamine addiction. Unlike heroin or other opioids, there aren't effective forms of substitution therapy, such as methadone or suboxone, to treat it. [Methamphetamine] was for us the clinical crisis that was most difficult to deal with. We used to say: give me a heroin addict anytime. That's easy, we've got something to do. But we've got nothing for cocaine or crystal meth in the same category other than treating the psychosis.
In your view, how could the federal government better support frontline health care providers with respect to methamphetamine use?