Okay, thanks.
This question may be for you Mr. Matern and Dr. Ross.
It strikes me that the stigmatization and the issues around mental health would start at a very young age. I'm not sure when our sexual identities and our gender identities develop, but it's when we're very young children.
I was struck by something you recommended, Mr. Matern, about national sexual health education beginning with adolescents and youth. Of course, it would be age appropriate, I'm sure, but would you recommend that we start right in kindergarten, preschool, grade one, making sure our educators and our children...?
Can we do a better job of making sure that we're all educated about the diversity in gender identification and sexual preferences at that early age in an appropriate manner, to sort of start attacking the early onset of stereotyping and stigmatization, and to create the conditions where people can be who they are very early? It strikes me that the process of hiding identity would be very painful and very debilitating at a young age.
Sorry. I don't mean to give the testimony, but what do you make of that?