I call the meeting to order.
Welcome to the 138th meeting of the Standing Committee on Health.
Several members of the committee are just returning from a trip. I'm not sure what you'd call it exactly, but it was an educational trip to Montreal, Winnipeg, Calgary and Vancouver. It was partially about LGBT2Q issues but also about methamphetamine, so it ties them together. We learned a lot.
I want to welcome our guests.
We're going to have 10-minute opening statements by each person.
First of all, we have Travis Salway, Ph.D., post-doctoral research fellow, School of Population and Public Health, University of British Columbia.
We have Alex Abramovich, Ph.D., independent scientist, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.
From the Health Initiative for Men, we have by video conference from Vancouver, Greg Oudman, Executive Director.
From Pflag York Region, we have Tristan Coolman, President.
We'll start with Dr. Salway, with a 10-minute opening statement.