It's a big part of why we created Pride Home. Number one, there are no youth shelters in Saskatoon so there's that gap to begin with. For the shelters that do exist for adults, there are lots of trans women who are in those shelters and their treatment is despicable. They're treated very badly, so we're often navigating with workers and trying to do that health care navigation with them to make sure that trans women are safe in the shelter.
One of the biggest things for trans people and gender non-binary people is that shelters are gendered. There's a male building and a female building, and when you look at youth group homes, they're all gendered. Start looking around; they're all gendered. For non-binary youth, they're forced to fit into a home that doesn't reflect who they are. Their workers aren't using their correct pronouns and names. Having a home that's non-gendered takes that huge barrier out of the equation. We would say that for an adult shelter, if such a thing were to be created, having a similar strategy of not having gendered floors would immediately remove one of the biggest barriers.