One of the things about Saskatchewan is that because it's so big and cities are relatively far apart, you don't need a huge centre or a huge staff. You need a place to gather and people who are going to support you when you walk in the door. You need people to talk to who know what you're going through. There are lots of smaller networks of people doing work within the queer, trans, and two-spirit community spread out across the province. What OUTSaskatoon does is that we regularly send big parcels of resources and information to whoever asks for it. We travel a lot, sometimes eight hours north to do education in many different northern communities. We're usually invited to schools. In doing so, we're also working to empower the teachers in those regions so they have resources so they can actually start running a GSA in a school, for example. Often, GSAs are one of the first points in communities that otherwise don't have access or don't have a community centre. Those are ways to both build capacity and to provide support from places where we maybe do have more resources.