With regard to more education, this is something I've always agreed with. I went to school in the 1970s and through most of it we didn't have any sex education. Whenever someone brought in a sex education program you would have crowds of angry parents bearing torches at the school and saying, “How dare you pervert our children with this stuff”, and this was long before we were talking about non-binary things.
It's still an issue. A teacher friend of mine in B.C. very recently was told as she was starting the year, “We don't talk about people being gay or anything like that. The parents around here are very uncomfortable with it. If a student asks, just say that we don't talk about that here.” This was very recently. And I'm seeing nods. Shockingly, no one is surprised by this.
Even for GSAs, there is a lot of resistance. We know what's going on in Alberta right now.
I remember in Manitoba there was a provincial ruling that schools had to allow GSAs. In one local community there were 1,000 people who showed up to protest this because they said this was treading on their religious beliefs, the belief that was prominent in this community. Again, we have a long way to go.
How do you address this resistance? I know there is still resistance in the public and among parents to schools putting in this kind of education.