To that point, I read through the brief and a lot of the funds that they mention don't necessarily deal specifically with queer populations but other issues. Of course they consider LGBTQ populations, but if you actually went down to how the money was divvied up, very little of some of these funds went toward studying sexual and gender minority communities.
I think there's a scale and application when we talk about funding. Yes, of course, having more money to work with is never a bad thing, but there's also looking at it's application, which is why our recommendation was specifically around establishing queer funding streams. It was not so much about giving more money to all of these different things, but ensuring that—similar to other populations who are disproportionately impacted, like with the mental health fund for black men and often within HIV there are specific funding streams for indigenous communities—queer communities have some kind of money that is definitely set aside. Otherwise, once your review committee changes or the government changes, or this or that, you're competing with everybody else and sometimes we see, even though there's lots of money, very little of it is going to this population in so much need.