First of all, my department is complicated, because it includes safety, security, parking and staff health. I'll set the parking aside and just talk about safety, security and staff health. If I look at that, I would say our annual budget for those groups is in the range of about $2 million. Part of that would include the budgets we have for the training of staff across the hospital—that falls under my purview as well—as well as budgets for supporting people in their return to work.
If I were to put that in a more concrete type of format, I would say I have a staff of roughly 60 protection agents who are members of the Ottawa Hospital. We also have about another 60 security guards who are contracted out so that we can raise or lower our staffing complement. I have a safety and staff health team of about 35 people, which includes safety officers, nurses, physiotherapists and other health individuals who are involved in either taking proactive work supporting joint health and safety committees or supporting staff in whatever their health needs are.