Of course, I think everyone appreciates that education and more training have some useful and important roles to play.
Essentially, we have a serious crisis, in our view, within the health care system that has deep structural problems and can't really be addressed simply at the level of further individualized training. There are many people engaged in this issue. There are deep structural problems...levels of staffing and procedures in place.
One of the things that we learned in our two studies was that the regulatory system in many ways has collapsed whether it's at the level of the Ministry of Labour, inspections, and enforcement of the laws, or the compensation system. Many of the health care workers won't even file compensation claims because they feel further traumatized in the whole process. We have a really deep structural set of issues that I don't think are at the level that can really be effectively addressed by simply going forward, more training, and so on and so forth. Of course, it's important, but it's not going to get at this issue, which is escalating.