Welcome, everybody, to meeting number 151 of the Standing Committee on Health.
Today we're going to continue our most interesting study on violence faced by health care workers, and I welcome all our guests.
As our guests, as individuals by video conference from Emeryville, Ontario, we have James Brophy, adjunct faculty of the sociology department, University of Windsor; and Margaret Keith, adjunct faculty of the sociology department, University of Windsor.
From the Alzheimer Society of Canada, by video conference from Toronto we have Mary Schulz, director, information, support services and education.
From the British Columbia Nurses' Union, by video conference from Burnaby, British Columbia, we have Adriane Gear, executive councillor, occupation health and safety; and Moninder Singh, director, occupation health and safety.
Here in person, from the Public Services Health and Safety Association is Henrietta Van hulle, vice-president, client outreach.
I welcome you all. Each group has a 10-minute opening statement and we'll start with, as individuals, James Brophy and Margaret Keith.