It's a really important question and it also connects with an earlier question about research.
I don't know how to answer your question. We've certainly heard stories anecdotally and from talking to service providers. I think, or I'd like to believe anyway, that many of these service providers aren't doing this out of hate or as an act of violence. I think it comes down to beliefs, and again, that systemic racism, but because we don't know, it's really hard to address the problem and provide informed policy and program recommendations.
Going back to research, as much as we need to hear from the indigenous women who have been impacted, we need to shift the research gaze to the service providers as well and find out why they are forcing or coercing indigenous women into sterilization. We need to put the onus back on the service providers. I don't think any training is going to be effective if we don't understand why service providers are doing this.