I want to just read a quick example of something that's happened in the United States:
Last July, Shane Ward overdosed on heroin and other drugs while getting high in a van with three friends. When he passed out...21-year-old Devan Miller got behind the wheel and took off, calling 9-1-1. She was told to pull over, which she did, [by police] instructing another friend to perform CPR on Ward while they awaited an ambulance. When help arrived, Ward was taken to a nearby hospital and probably owes Miller his life.
Rather than being offered amnesty from low-level drug charges—as llinois's Good Samaritan law suggests...Miller...was charged with “aggravated battery” under the apparent contention...that she helped Ward inject himself.
Miller was also charged with...drug possession, and drug delivery....
Now, what I'm worried about is if it gets out on the street that people are charged with other things besides drug possession, do you think that may have a rebound effect where all of a sudden drug users may be less likely to call police because of that fear?