As an organization, as a sector, we actually support more harmonization across Canada. We think widely different programs for drug coverage are not good. If medications work well in one jurisdiction, they should be working just the same in others. We actually have recommended and supported moving toward more harmonized national formularies, what drugs are covered and what drugs aren't. As people have said, right now there's a real hodgepodge. We would support more harmonization there.
In terms of people not being covered, I mean there are, as you said, a variety of programs. There are private programs and public programs. If people are really desperate, there are often programs like the Trillium program in Ontario that can cover exceptionally high costs, etc.
Absolutely, I would agree with you that a really clear database and picture of who's covered and not and in what circumstances is necessary, but in general, we would support movement toward more comprehensive and harmonized coverage across Canada.