Thank you very much.
The kinds of things you're presenting here are exactly the questions we need answered. It sounds as if you could be a big help to us.
We talked about the different costings. There are costings in supply and demand in terms of how much this is going to cost. That's the big barrier. If it wasn't going to cost much, we wouldn't have to discuss it very much.
We talk about the estimates of how much it would cost to implement this, how much we would spend. One of the discussion items that comes up over time is the potential for cost savings and how much the costs of instituting such a program would be offset through savings in the health care system. We know there are expenses to the health care system when people are non-compliant with medications, get sick, and come into the health care system.
Through your office, would you be able to do any analysis of how much Canadians could save in hospital visits due to non-compliance or how much we would save our health care system if people could afford their medications?