One thing I can say with some confidence is that if there is a pharmacare program, demand for prescription drugs will increase, because obviously there will be people who are not covered now, and they will be covered by that program. That cost will increase, and it will put more pressure on the budget or the cost of the program.
As to whether there will be savings, as I said, that's a critical assumption, and there's a critical issue in regard to how much savings you are going to have from a pharmacare program, both from the fact that there is a possibility of negotiating prices that are lower than the current prices and also because there will be more discipline in the way people consume prescription drugs.
Those assumptions are critical, and we cannot really say what we are going to get right now. In Steven Morgan's model, they have made certain assumptions and they came up with those results. We have to do our own kind of work and come to some kind of conclusion at the end as to exactly what that is. If it is significantly different from their estimates, then we'll have to explain exactly why that is the case, and we will do that as part of our report.