I'm happy to. First of all, the number of injections are not unique individuals. Insite isn't for everybody. The people who use it tend to be homeless, street-entrenched, and live within a couple of blocks. In the Downtown Eastside, it's estimated there there are only about 4,700 people who inject drugs. Onsite has 12 beds.
To answer your question, as I think you've heard, the door to a functioning addiction treatment centre is not there. Many people have successfully entered into recovery through Onsite, but it can be viewed as a sort of a crack in the door to a whole other reality that simply has not been invested in.
Insite has saved lives. It saves the health care system money. But we haven't realized the opportunity to address this concern comprehensively, because there hasn't been an investment in addiction treatment in accordance with the scale of the problem. The money has gone to the consequences of addiction.