My problem with that line is not even so much the mention of Alzheimer's itself, but the fact that this may be a template for other bills dealing with specific diseases, and in it a specific organization is being named, which is unprecedented. I would not object to it if it had the word “Alzheimer's” in it to say “representatives from advocacy groups representing Alzheimer's disease and other dementias”. Again, we've talked about the importance of leaving in the word “Alzheimer's”. Having this specific society, this specific group named in the law, as I say, is unprecedented. They could certainly be part of this advisory group, but to have a law that says that this particular organization has to be part of it is the problem I have with it.
I wonder if it would be agreeable to all to say, “representatives from advocacy groups for Alzheimer's and other dementias”. That would keep it consistent with the rest of the bill giving this the thrust on Alzheimer's.