Thank you. Yes.
This is borderline off topic, Dr. Coyle, but I appreciated your comment about medical technology in general. In my obstetrical training I've known what most obstetricians would agree with me on today—namely, that routine ultrasounds in pregnancy have never been shown to make any difference in outcomes in pregnancy.
People think about that. I get raised eyebrows. I sometimes get people angry when I say that, but in fact they've never been shown to improve outcomes in pregnancy. We have to make a case in terms of the evidence. Think of the potential money saved to the health care system if we stopped doing something that isn't helping. I think we need to consider that with all our drugs, with all our more expensive drugs.
Dr. Perry and Dr. Coyle, I don't know if you're aware, but there is some evidence coming up on the medication class that seems to be the number one money-maker for industry right now, and that is statins. There appears to be some evidence that this entire class of drugs may not in fact improve outcomes.