Yes. I've done quite a lot of work in the area of drugs for rare disease and I'd recommend, if you get a chance, to go on a website called Million Dollar Meds that I've been working on with colleagues at UBC.
It's interesting that rarity comes up as a factor in discussions like this all the time. We have done surveys of Canadians and surveys have been done worldwide about what people value and what they would expect to place at a premium. It comes back time and time again that people want the health care dollars to be spent on maximizing overall outcomes for all Canadians and that rarity is not a factor that people think deserves a premium.
The reason we keep coming back to rarity is that rarity is the area now where pharmaceutical manufacturers are making their profits. That's why rarity has become a big issue in the last few years. If you look at the actual values and preferences of society, people do not think that rare diseases should be treated as a special case over and above the overall health outcomes for all Canadians.