You brought up a really good point about the provinces, because that's another timeline. If there's going to be any negotiation or discussion with provinces, that could take years.
I've been trying to get the government side to possibly narrow the criteria or get some input from the minister to see what types of ideas would be acceptable to her. It's almost like a chicken-and-egg type of thing, because, as you've said quite correctly, we could do all this work, and then the minister might say, “Well, we're not even sure if we want to go that route, so maybe we'll do this instead. Can you go back to that?”, and we could go back and forth forever.
If we were able to narrow criteria and maybe get some policy direction from the government ahead of time, instead of, as the old saying says, shoot and then aim, would that be helpful towards decreasing some of these timelines, and maybe the costs?