Private insurance is not as deep. The market is not as deep as here. It's not as significant in the provision of health care in New Zealand, and most people are privately insured to cover, essentially, surgery and surgical procedures. That's largely what's covered.
When it comes to pharmaceuticals, you're right when it comes to being able to pick up a supplementary package of pharmaceuticals. When I left New Zealand, there was one insurer offering that kind of coverage, primarily because all the other insurers would just say, “Look, we'll just use the national coverage, thank you very much.”
Yes, there are situations of drug coverage not being provided for a particular drug. It's considered to offer less health benefit to the country than other options that might be in front of the decision-makers, and as a consequence patients are left with two options: they either pay for it themselves out of pocket or, if they're able to, they take advantage of the Australian system, but few people actually have that opportunity.