There is a report that says that out of 77,000 physicians, there are only 51 palliative care specialists and only 123 family doctors who have training in palliative care. Also, out of 360,000 RNs, 1,348 have certification in palliative care. My sense is that we need to do broad training of health care providers, and I'm sure, other categories as well.
The last question I have is in the concept and definition. When does palliation end? I've heard from some families, particularly who have come through hospices, that they've had tremendous support through death, but as soon as death occurs, they're done. In terms of the bereavement and closure for families with the caregivers who were side by side with them through the death of a loved one, it's an abrupt loss. Are you aware of any models that extend palliation to some kind of closure and bereavement process for families?