Thank you for your question, an important one indeed for us in the research community. You're quite correct that since approximately 2007 and 2008, the CIHR's budget has been effectively stable at approximately a billion dollars. This has resulted in a loss of purchasing power in terms of inflation.
That said, we've been able to offset some of these shortcomings by leveraging significant investment from many of our external partners. For instance, the investment levels from non-federal partners have grown by more than 50% to approximately $96 million in the fiscal year 2014-15.
As you know, federal budget 2017 also addressed two significant issues, climate change adaptation and the substance abuse area, for which there are investments of funds. Of course, we are waiting for the soon-to-be-announced review of fundamental science, and will be working with the minister and the government in terms of the information there.
If there are specific questions around the number of Ph.D. graduates and the like, we'd be happy, through the chair, to provide that information to you at a—