Well, it is provincial, but I think there are ways that we can signal our support to encourage expanded access to treatment for people with problematic substance use. There's no question that the matters of mental health and addiction are very closely related, and it makes sense to talk about them together. You're right, though, that the fact that we link those together because they have interrelated themes can mean that sometimes resources don't get to addictions or problematic substance use in the way that they should.
One of the things I am certainly trying to do is to indicate that we need to do far better in this country on treatment, both the mental health support treatment and social support treatment that people need, but also on the medical support for people with problematic substance use, including access to medication-assisted therapies, opioid substitution therapies, for example.
There are ways we can do it, including, I'm thinking, in terms of working with our partners in research who are helping us to look at expanded access to treatment. There are ways within our federal leadership that we can try to move that along and make sure there's better access, which there certainly is a big challenge on right now.