As the government indicated in the various news releases announcing the achievement of an agreement on funding with each jurisdiction, you may have noticed that there was language in them about the next step being to work on targets and indicators and so on. That is exactly the conversation we are having with the provinces and territories.
The minister and the government generally have been pretty clear right from the outset that there's a desire to put money in to help transform the system, but that as part of it, doing so is going to require that there be agreement on what the funds are spent on and that there be some accounting to Canadians for the results achieved. That's the conversation we're having now.
Indeed the hope—or more than a hope, the objective—is to have a good sense of where the money will go, measures that we can report on publicly, and mechanisms that everybody is comfortable with to allow that reporting to take place. That's the conversation we're engaged in right now.