Just for the committee, back in September 2011 the Supreme Court of Canada rendered a decision in regard to Insite. The court specified factors that the minister must consider when assessing an application for a supervised injection site. These include any evidence related to the impact of a site on crime rates, the local conditions indicating a need for such a site, the regulatory structure in place to support the facility, the resources available to support its maintenance, and expressions of community support or opposition. The Respect for Communities Act authorized the minister to publicly post a notice of application for an exemption for a supervised consumption site and to invite comments from the public on the application.
I think it was in January that the minister okayed the second supervised injection site.
I like “supervised” better than “safe” injection site, because as I think the minister confirmed, there is no way to safely inject street heroin.
Did you follow that 90-day period as outlined in the Respect for Communities Act?