That's a great question and again it speaks to the huge role of public health, and I'm really pleased to be able to support public health evidence-based approach to matters like tobacco control. You know Canada used to be seen as a world leader in tobacco control. Unfortunately in recent years many other countries have surpassed us and we are no longer necessarily seen as a world leader. It's time for us to get back onto the world stage in leading that.
You alluded to the fact that the mandate letter does include a number of measures including introduction of plain packaging. I think I'm allowed to tell you that we will be following the Australian model of plain packaging a little more. I'm very excited to say that all sorts of things happen in the background, but a lot of work is being done to get us to the point where we're going to, very soon, be able to take steps to introduce those measures and adjustments and regulations around plain packaging. Health Canada has been working a great deal on it, and we will be presenting the next steps in the very near future.