That's a fantastic question.
I would actually encourage every member of the committee, if they haven't already done so, to read an outstanding book by Dr. Atul Gawande called Being Mortal. That's one of the most accessible ways to think about the matter of palliative care. He talks, in that book, about the evidence.
There's lots of other academic evidence, and perhaps Dr. Beaudet could refer to that. But there is a lot of evidence that, in fact, introducing palliative care costs less, makes patients happier, makes patients more comfortable, and guess what? It often extends life. When people decide to stop trying to live longer, when they accept the fact that they want to be kept comfortable, when they sometimes take measures to stop direct treatment of their cancer, for instance, they actually live longer, which is very interesting data.
I don't know whether you want to comment further on that, Alain.