This is something that I'm really interested in. As a health care provider myself I know, if I may say politely, the chaos that exists across the country in electronic health records. I think we've made progress in terms of health care providers, hospitals, and others using more and more electronic records, although we had lagged for some time. Canada's starting to improve our track records in terms of the availability, but the huge challenge is integration of systems.
We've seen for instance that Quebec has recently taken some steps to ensure that there will be much more uniformity across different platforms, and I think we need to do much more of that in Canada.
One of the areas that we did invest in through the recent budget is the Canada Health Infoway, so we were able to add some funding there.
I would like to make this a part of our health accord discussions because you know as a provider as well as I do that it's really unacceptable that a family doctor in one part of a city should not be able to communicate with a family doctor in another part of the city in accessing laboratory results and all sorts of other things, and a patient should not have to repeat their whole story, repeat blood tests, because there's a huge amount of waste in the system. You will have my full support in making sure we do better on digital technology.